Pre-Eclampsia Screening
Prenatal Screening:
Find out more about other prenatal tests:
Test | FTS (First Trimester Screening) | STS (Second Trimester Screening) | Pre-eclampsia Screening |
Risk assessment for | Down Syndrome (T21), Edwards Syndrome (T18) and Patau Syndrome (T13) | Down Syndrome (T21), Edwards Syndrome (T18) and Neural Tube Defect (NTD) | The occurrence of high blood pressure and presence of protein in the urine during pregnancy |
When should test |
11-13 weeks 6 days of pregnancy |
15-20 weeks of pregnancy |
11-14 weeks of pregnancy |
Test requirement(s) | Ultrasound scanning + mother’s blood test | Mother’s blood test | Ultrasound scanning + mother’s blood test + blood pressure |
Find out more about other prenatal tests: