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NICC Extended


NICC® (Non-Invasive ChromosomesCheck) provides screening for the most common trisomies present at birth, as well as testing options for gender, sex chromosome aneuploidies and chromosomal deletions.

NICC® detects the baby's DNA and measures the risk of chromosomal abnormalities that could otherwise go undetected until late in pregnancy or after birth.

NICC® EXTENDED can test for all the chromosomal numeric aneuploidies and 84 kinds of microdeletion/duplication syndromes with four times of data size increased.

The Methodology

NICC® EXTENDED test works by isolating the cfDNA (including both maternal and fetal DNA) from a maternal blood sample and performing low coverage whole genome sequencing using Next Generation Sequencing technology. The unique reads of each chromosome are calculated and compared to an optimal reference control.

Data is analyzed using bioinformatics algorithms and a risk score and/or assessment is produced for the conditions tested for. For gender identification, cfDNA is followed with molecular genetic testing to analyze if Y chromosome is detected or not detected.

Who should consider

NICC® EXTENDED can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. It is suitable for pregnant women of all ages that would like to know about the genetic conditions of their babies. Other indications for testing include:
1. Women with advanced maternal age (35 years and above).
2. Personal or family history of birth defect.
3. Previous birth of a child with a birth defect.
4. Positive serum screening test.

Benefits of NICC® EXTENDED


>99.9% accuracy for
detection of Trisomy
21, 18 and 13


Only 10mI mother's
blood required


Post-test genetic
counselling for high-
risk cases is available


Provides insurance
coverage & diagnostic
test for high-risk cases


NICC* Extended can
test for more than 80
kinds of microdeletion
/ duplication syndromes


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