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Genetic Carrier

Genetic carrier is an individual who carries and is capable of passing on a genetic variant associated with a disease and may or may not display disease symptoms.



Most people do not know they are carriers until after they are screened  or have an affected child, because carriers may not have symptoms.


What is CarrierCheck?

CarrierCheck is a genetic test to determine whether a person is a carrier of a recessive genetic disorder by using peripheral blood. It provides information about a couple’s risk of having a child with a recessive inherited disorder, facilitating reproductive choices for those at a high risk of having an affected child.


What does CarrierCheck screen for?

CarrierCheck screens for ~100 of the most common genetic disorders for both autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive inheritance, including Fragile X Syndrome, Thalassaemia, Cystic Fibrosis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Phenylketonuria (PKU) and etc.  


When can I test for CarrierCheck?

Pre-marital /



Allows you to plan for your future and consider more reproductive options e.g. IVF and prenatal genetic diagnosis
  Allows prospective parents to consider options such as prenatal diagnostic test and prepare for special care during pregnancy and delivery, if necessary

Who should consider CarrierCheck?

  • Pregnant women at early stage (It is recommended for couples to undergo the test at the same time)
  • Couples with family history of genetic disorders
  • Couples from consanguineous marriages
  • Couples who are planning to receive assisted reproductive procedures
  • Couples without symptom and family history of genetic disorders, but want to learn about their genetic status

Advantages of CarrierCheck


Screens for serious
and medically
actionable diseases


Early detection reduces
risk of passing
on the disease


Aware of reproductive
options and prepare
for special needs

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